Thursday, February 15, 2007

Marta Cotera

Hello everyone! I never really knew what blogging was about until my rhetoric professor made us keep one for a grade. I kind of liked the idea, so now I'm going to keep one for myself. Today's post I would like to talk about a class I am currently taking at UT, La Chicana. I have learned so much already about Mexican-American women and Chicana Feminism. Last class day we had Marta Cortera come and speak to us. Let me tell you, that I expected to see a tall, intimidating woman walk in, but instead, this short, chubby woman poked her head in and said, "I found you!" She was a living testimony que si se puede. Sometimes I call home homesick, and you know what my mom tells me? Si se puede. You always hear about history, but you never get to see the real thing. This class has inspired me to double major in Mexican American Studies. One other reason why I began this blog, after class a couple of girls and I talked about forming an organization based on Chicana Feminism. We don't necessarily want to get involved with the UT system, instead we want to go out there and began connecting with the community. I think that's the best way to found anything, go and listen to the people. I'm very excited about this, and I would like to document our progression on this blog. You'll have to forgive me if I don't write very often. I'm still trying to figure out my magic when it comes to not procrastinating and concentrating on school work. I think many have forgotten, at least from my generation what our culture and history is like.
p.s. I saw Blood In Blood Out for the first time today. It made me cry when Johnny's little brother died from injecting himself.

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